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Q: What is fully killed carbon steel?

01/08/2024 12:31:07 2    answers in: Other
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The "killed" refers to the process of eliminating the reaction of carbon with oxygen, which would otherwise form bubbles of carbon monoxide during solidification. Fully killed carbon steel is a steel that has been completely deoxidized during production, meaning that all oxygen has been removed from the molten steel before it solidifies. This is usually achieved by adding strong deoxidizers such as silicon, aluminum, or manganese to the molten steel.


Steel to which a deoxidizer has been added to deoxidize the melt to eliminate bubbles and porosity. Typically Silicon, Vanadium, Niobium, and Aluminum are used to deoxidize. The latter three elements also help to ensure fine Austenitic grain size (McQuaid-Ehn).

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