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Q: Does duplex stainless steel rust?

2024-03-08 10:26:47.0 2    answers in: Other
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YES. Do not rust means resist rust, but do not mean not rust in any situation.

Duplex stainless steels are a group of stainless steels that in addition to resistance, are Good against corrosion, and have good strength. The physical strength of these steels is between austenitic and ferritic stainless steels, but the sum of their properties is more similar to ferritic stainless steels and carbon steels. Resistance to pitting and groove corrosion of these steels is a function of the amount of chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, and nitrogen and is similar to austenitic stainless steel ISIA 613, and even in some duplexes, seawater is better than austenitic stainless steel.


Duplex stainless steel is known for its excellent corrosion resistance, and it is generally more corrosion-resistant than standard austenitic stainless steel. However, under certain conditions, duplex stainless steel can still rust or experience localized corrosion.

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